SynCom Projects focus on overarching questions of particular societal relevance. The projects work across the boundaries of individual thematic fields within the "Changing Earth – Sustaining our Future" program.
Varying groups of scientists from the Helmholtz Earth and Environment Centres work together within a chosen and designated SynCom project for a limited period of time (approx. 12 months). Guiding principles are societal relevance, goal orientation, synthesis of scientific results, and catering to specific target groups.
SynCom Projects can be proposed once a year by interested scientists within the Helmholtz community.
During the project proposal call for 2024*2025 the following projects have been selected:
CuLiWell: Copper and lithium resources in German geothermal wells
HydroExtremes: Too much and yet not enough water: smart management in times of hydrological extremes
During the project proposal call for 2023*2024 the following projects have been selected: Modernizing Hazard Indicators, Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removal and Developing operational biodiversity targets
The three pilot projects are Cities and Climate Change, Digital Twins, and Early Warning for Natural Hazards.