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SynCom offers a variety of events and activities. This includes seminars on capacity development, for example on political communication, crisis communication, or the peer review process and synthesis workshop. 

In addition, SynCom offers events in the political sphere such as parliamentary events, and it accompanies annual events such as the General Assembly of the Helmholtz Association's Research Field Earth and Environment.

Upcoming activities

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Final Workshop SynCom project „Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)” (30/09–01/10/2024)

The SynCom project Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is organising its final workshop for project participants. More information will follow soon.

Day 1: Monday, 30 September 2024
Day 2: Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Location: Magnus-Haus, Berlin

For questions please contact:
dirk.sachse@gfz-potsdam.de, gesine.mollenhauer@awi.de or marie.heidenreich@gfz-potsdam.de

© sirylok/stock.adobe.com

Parliamentary evening on ‘Novel Indicators for Chemical Assessment’

On November 7, 2024 SynCom is organizing a parliamentary evening in the German Bundestag on ‘Novel Indicators for Chemical Assessment’ as part of the ‘Modernizing Hazard Indicators (ModHaz)’ project. The event is directed by Harald Ebner (Alliance 90/The Greens), Chairman of the Committee on Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection. The goal of the parliamentary evening is to introduce new ideas for chemical assessment directly into politics based on a policy brief previously developed in collaboration with various stakeholders, and to establish a long-term relationship between politicians and Helmholtz experts. Participation is by invitation only.

Past Activities