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SynCom CDR Expertise Mapping

Researchers from the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment have developed an expertise mapping that provides an overview of research projects on CO2 removal.

The CDR Expertise Mapping is a searchable network that features a wide range of research projects focused on Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). It aids CDR researchers in identifying projects that align with their expertise. The CDR Expertise Mapping not only facilitates connections among scientists seeking suitable collaboration partners but also builds a foundation for deeper dialogue between the scientific community and industry. This, in turn, promotes potential future collaborations.

The platform provides a user-friendly interface, allowing researchers to efficiently explore more than 50 projects across various subfields related to CDR, utilizing different filters, keywords, and free-text searches. The projects have been divided into biological and geochemical solutions, allowing, for example, a search by the categories ‘afforestation, reforestation, agroforestry, forest management’ or ‘direct air capture’. Up to nine different metadata are provided for each project, including contact persons, project descriptions, involved partners, but also the ‘technology readiness level’ and relevance for industry.

Launched on September 30, 2024, this initiative is a product of the one-year Helmholtz SynCom Project ‘Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removal’.

A wide range of organizations and individuals are engaged in the projects outlined in the CDR Expertise Mapping, all contributing to advancements in the field of CDR.

The primary goal of the SynCom CDR Expertise Mapping is to enhance the accessibility of scientific information for academics, policymakers, and industry partners alike. This overview establishes a foundation for deeper dialogue between science and industry while encouraging potential collaborations.

We encourage you to explore the website – click through the projects and discover the contribution of different Helmholtz Earth and Environment Centres as well as scientific and industry partners to the field of CDR.

FAQ in response to the floods of June 2024 in southern Germany

In response to the floods of June 2024 in southern Germany, experts from the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) answered frequently asked questions (FAQ) in a joined synthesis process. The scientists provide a scientific context for this summer's floods and address how we can handle future extreme events.

For the FAQ, visit:





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News from the Research Field Earth & Environment