The Atmosphere in Global Change
Topic 1 addresses three research areas of societal relevance for the Atmosphere in Global Change: Air Quality, Climate Feedbacks, and Future Weather and Extremes. Knowledge in these areas provides guidance to assess adaptation and mitigation measures as we approach the 1.5°C global warming limit. We will develop observational and modeling solutions for improved atmospheric predictions and regional climate projections at unprecedented resolution, in a ‘whole atmosphere’ approach, to address entire process- and event chains from the drivers of global change or extreme events to their ramifications for air quality, water resources, greenhouse gas budgets, land use change, ecosystem viability, and the risk of more extreme weather in a warmer world.
An overview by Topic speaker HaPe Schmid
© Jens Nadolny (KIT)
Air Quality
The scientific goals of ST1.1 are to quantify the distribution of secondary pollutants in current atmospheric chemistry regimes and to project future changes in atmospheric composition with emphasis on climate-induced changes.
To predict future air quality, we need to understand emissions and their changes in the context of climate change, an evolving energy and transport system, urbanization and land use change, interactions of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions in atmospheric chemistry, and the spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric chemistry-climate interactions (linking all STs).
Speakers: Hendrik Fuchs (FZJ) and Thomas Leisner (KIT)
© Florian Ehmele (KIT)
Climate Feedbacks
The main objective of ST1.2 is to unravel and quantify these feedbacks and interactions, in more detail and with improved temporal and spatial resolution, to significantly enhance the predictive power of future climate projections. This requires a concerted approach reaching from laboratory studies via field observation and utilization of satellite observations to high-resolution modeling.
ST1.2 research is closely aligned with international institutions, programs and initiatives such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Stratospheric and Tropospheric Processes And their Role in Climate (WCRPSPARC), the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Future Earth, COSPAR, SCOSTEP, IPCC, and IPBES. The international orientation of the Subtopic further benefits from long-standing collaborations with other leading international research organizations and universities.
Speakers: Peter Braesicke (KIT) and Martin Riese (FZJ)
© Melissa Latt (KIT)
Future Weather and Extremes
The strategy of Subtopic 1.3 comprises the development of new observation systems for weather systems and their integration across different platforms in order to better understand microphysical and mesoscale processes. High-resolution models will be used to closely link observations from space and ground. In addition, atmospheric and Earth system models (ICON/ICON-ART) are being further developed to enable more precise simulations through higher spatial and temporal resolution and the integration of new processes. The aim is to extend the predictability of weather, composition and extreme events on different scales, including previously uncovered time horizons such as sub-seasonal and decadal predictions. Advances in modeling will be used to support climate change adaptation strategies, with a particular focus on vulnerable regions and the impacts of extreme weather events.
Speakers: Peter Knippertz (KIT) and Jens Wickert (GFZ)
Hoher Sonnblick © Jens Nadolny (KIT)
Thunderstorm halo © Ottmar Möhler (KIT)
© Florian Ehmele (KIT)
Iceland © Pavla Dagsson Waldhauserová (LBHI)
Pallas © Ottmar Möhler (KIT)
Storm Peak Laboratory © Larissa Lacher
© Florian Ehmele (KIT)
© Florian Ehmele (KIT)
© Florian Ehmele (KIT)