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Early Warning for Natural Hazards

© Michael Dietze, GFZ

Early warning systems can predict the distribution and magnitude of natural disasters, detect the onset of such events, can deploy workflows for the distribution of alert messages and, finally, inform catastrophe response.

The number and intensity of natural catastrophes have been increasing on a global scale, and so has the vulnerability of societies due to population growth and infrastructure development. Furthermore, an increase in interconnectedness on a social and economic level motivates continuous improvement of early warning systems.

Early Warning for Natural Hazards thus focuses on the development of novel methods such as continuous and high-resolution monitoring, advanced rapid modelling, and machine learning. The goal is to offer the ensuing research results to stakeholders on the one hand, and to incorporate new findings into the dialogue with policy and decision makers and the general public on the other hand, covering the entire warning chain from the measurement of the hazard to risk analysis to warning communication.

Exchange Helmholtz - German Federal Institut for Risk Assessment (BfR) & mecom

Scientists of the project met with representatives of BfRand mecom for an exchange about early warning for natural hazards.

Synthesis-Workshop September 2022

In a synthesis-workshop, Helmholtz Earth & Environment extended its portfolio. Interdisciplinary scientists from different Helmholtz-centers met to interlink expertise on extreme events and early warning systems. Daniel Caviedes-Voullieme presented his team's work on the topic of summer convection and flash floods.

© Jan Pauls Fotografie

General Assembly 2023

Sergiy Vorogushyn presented the project Early Warning for Natural Hazards at the General Assembly of Helmholtz Earth & Environment.


Fabrice Cotton: fcotton@gfz-potsdam.de

Christian Kuhlicke: christian.kuhlicke@ufz.de

Sergiy Vorogushyn (Anker-Person): sergiy.vorogushyn@gfz-potsdam.de

The experts

Feel free to contact the below scientists if you have any questions regarding their field of expertise.

Peter Knippertz (KIT)

Meteorological risks

Michael Kunz (KIT)

Meteorological risks

Joaquim Pinto (KIT)

Meteorological risks

Daniel Caviedes-Voullieme

Flood risks

Christian Kuhlicke (UFZ)

Flood risks

Bruno Merz (GFZ)

Flood risks

Ralf Weisse

Storm surges

Sabine Attinger


Heidrun Kopp


Yuri Shprits

Space weather